Upgrades for Medical Decontamination Equipment
Medical decontamination equipment is a significant investment for many healthcare institutions. Upgrading current decontamination equipment can be of financial benefit to an organisation by extending its operating lifespan and/or enabling it to be customised for specific requirements i.e. additional cycles, data archive and print outs. Compliant to HTM 01-01 through HTM 01-06
We have extensive experience of upgrading autoclaves, sterilizers, washer disinfectors, automated endoscope reprocessors, ultrasonics and gas plasmas as well as other peripheral items.
The components for some medical decontamination equipment will have a shorter operating lifespan than others. For example, an autoclave chamber will in most circumstances remain in a fully functional condition longer than its peripherals. Alternatively, if there is a requirement to improve the mechanical controls of an existing unit, upgrading components might be more cost effective than purchasing a new model.
All upgrades are in accordance with the decontamination equipment manufacturers guidelines where applicable and we will only fit manufacturer guaranteed parts and consumables.
Our upgrade service will include a site visit to discuss our clients specific medical decontamination needs and requirements and we will then prepare a bespoke package to deliver this within agreed budgets and timescales. Compliant to HTM 01-01 through HTM 01-06
All upgrades and modifications to medical decontamination equipment are undertaken by an appropriately qualified engineer and will not compromise the operational functionality of the current unit.